Welcome to Ben Beeton’s SciArt of Australia

My art drops a thread through aspects of the ecology, geology and deep time history of natural systems. My process of creating art is a learning experience and I have an active interest in scientific model making. As I travelled across Australia and abroad learning from scientists, indigenous elders and conservationists about the special natural environments which they have studied and cared for, I envisaged an interactive educational website that would share their stories of country. As a consequence I developed SciArt, a website which along with showcasing my art allows access to the knowledge shared that has inspired my art. I have completed over 35 artist residency project working with eco-tourism businesses across Australia. I am a co-founder of the Genestreaming Journey Sculptures program.

Through SciArt I give conservationists, traditional owners and scientists an opportunity to share their knowledge. These are people who are working to preserve environments and have important messages which they want to share with the outside world. Teachers have told me that their students find SciArt intriguing and that my website is a wonderful visual literacy tool. I am very glad to see that the methodology which I have developed to create my art can be used as an educational tool.


Tedx Kinjarling Albany WA photo curtesy of Karen Timmins

With Aunty Carol Pettersen OAM I am a co-founder of the Genestreaming Journey Sculptures initiative. My artistic collaborator is scientific illustrator Mali Moir. The public art project unites conservation initiatives with science and seeks to present both indigenous and non-indigenous artists work from communities.

Art of Nature – Explore Nature Journaling – Discover how to enrich your holiday in a world of nature journaling. From drawing, painting, writing & family activities to photography on your phone & mind mapping. Engage deeper with nature & cherish your memories in your nature journal.

Art of Nature Foundation Course  With scientific illustrator Mali Moir I co-founded the Art of Nature Foundation Course. This course teaches artists how to partner with ecotourism, see the complexity of natural systems and provides guidance in developing skills in scientific illustration.

Art of Nature Foundation Course

One of my heroes is William ‘Strata’ Smith (23 March 1769 – 28 August 1839) was an English geologist, credited with creating the first detailed, nationwide geological map. The map that changed the world, Photograph at the Research School of Earth Sciences ANU ACT

Artwork created on my first artist residency in 2006 at Broken Hill