Gondwana in Toowoomba

This 4-part screen is designed around the cladogram (Time Map or Family Tree) for the Vascular Plants – the Pteridophytes (Ferns), Gymnosperms (Coniferous Plants) and Angiosperms (Flowering Plants) that were present in Gondwanaland 65 MYA.

Gondwana in Toowoomba


Boyce Gardens Partician

The flowering plants include both the monocotyledonous plants (eg the Lily Family) and the dicotyledonous plants (eg Proteaceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae and Moraceae). The families that were present in Gondwanaland are with us still, although the species may be different. Extant species from the Boyce Gardens are used as examples of the many families present in the garden. Material for every family was not available during the last year but we hope to rectify those omissions later on.

Boyce Gardens Partician details

Illustrations of the various families are provided from the drawings and paintings made by the artists.

Screen One (at left side) shows the ferns (eg Families Aspleniaceæ, Adiantaceæ), conifers (Family Araucariaceæ) and monocotyledonous plants (eg Families Dioscoreaceæ, Liliaceæ, Smilacaceæ).

Screen Two shows the older of the angiosperm families – eg Families Ranunculaceæ, Proteaceæ, Pittosporaceæ, Bignoniaceæ.

Screen Three shows the families that developed later – eg Families Myrtaceæ, Malvaceæ, Sapindaceæ, Violaceæ.

Screen Four shows the most recently developed families – eg Families Celastraceæ, Fabaceæ, Vitaceæ, Moraceæ