2017 Artist Residencies at Guilderton and Carrah Farm Following the Moore River

Artwork coming soon

This part of the project was about following the Moore river. The headwaters of the Moore River lie in the Perenjori, Carnamah and Dalwallinu Shires. The river then drains southwards through Moora, flows westerly before joining with the Moore River East near Mogumber, then flows in a westerly direction over the Edengerie Cascade, through the northern edge of the Moore River Nature Reserve, then through the Gingin Scarp, discharging into the Indian Ocean at Guilderton. The river includes a catchment that extends from just south of Three Springs to Guilderton. The catchment has a total area of 13,800 square kilometres and is 80% cleared for agriculture. The catchment area is used for broadacre farming but with increasing diversification in horticulture and tree plantations. The river mouth at Guilderton typically closes during the summer months due to insufficient water flow, creating a sandbar. The river has nine subcatchment areas and has a number of tributaries and lakes along the length of the river.