Kings Park Genestreams Sculpture

A focus on the local native ecology of Tuart and Banksia Woodlands is the preferred option for Kings Park

Enhancing our interpretation of the Bushland of Kings Park and Bold Park is a management plan focus.
BGPA wrote the book on restoring Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain Banksia woodlands: A restoration guide for the Swan Coastal Plain – UWA Publishing. This provides a powerful content resource for the AR development and increases the potential use of the AR sculpture (alongside the text) as a teaching / education resource for restoration groups.

List of 15 species monitored annually in Kings Park.

1.    Acacia sessilis
2.    Atriplex isatidea
3.    Banksia ilicifolia
4.    Cheilanthes sieberi
5.    Cyanothamnus ramosus
6.    Conospermum stoechadis
7.    Dioscorea hastifolia
8.    Hakea trifurcata
9.    Hovea pungens
10.   Leucopogon parviflorus
11.   Myoporum insulare
12.   Styphelia discolor
13.   Styphelia racemulosa
14.   Thomasia triphylla
15.   Verticordia densiflora

Selected Species with images

Acacia sessilis with Little Green Scarab

1.    Acacia sessilis with Little Green Scarab

2.    Atriplex isatidea

3.    Banksia ilicifolia

4.    Cheilanthes sieberi

5.    Cyanothamnus ramosus

Cyanothamnus ramosus seed pods

6.    Conospermum stoechadis

7.    Dioscorea hastifolia

8.    Hakea trifurcata

9.    Hovea pungens

10.   Leucopogon parviflorus

11.   Myoporum insulare

12.   Styphelia discolor

13.   Styphelia racemulosa

14.   Thomasia triphylla

15.   Verticordia densiflora

Kings Park

Swan River

Bold Park

Darling Range

Perth Canyon

Rottnest Island