“The objective of this project, through consultation with GeoParks WA and local experts was to research and create an Augmented Reality Genestremes Journey Sculpture for the Kellerberrin Shire. The work features the art of local indigenous artists on the outside and on the inside features field naturalist studies on the ecology, geology and deep time history of the region with specific attention paid to the regions endangered and vulnerable species through scientific illustrations. The sculpture functions as a giant phylogenetic tree which recounts the shared ancestry of the selected species through geological time. We envisage that this project will develop to become part of a larger tourism trail”. Ben Beeton
Kellerberrin Genestremes Journey Sculpture

Kellerberrin Genestremes Journey Augmented Reality Sculpture situated in Centenary Park with contributing artist Reynold McIntosh & family
Westralia Geopark in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia: “The Westralia Geopark in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia focuses on creating awareness of its geology, fauna and flora, and its cultural values for its community and visitors. Importantly, geoparks promote cultural awareness and encourage sustainable business and employment growth through geotourism. In supporting Aboriginal art and culture, the geopark aims to support recognition of the valuable contributions Aboriginal people have engagement with these lands for over 50,000 years and their culture and experience is acknowledged as essential to sustainable living here. Much of their contributions are expressed through artwork. The Westralia Geopark looks to the future of Aboriginal art being made widely available to the local community and visitors alike, enhancing Aboriginal peoples place in today’s society”. Alan Briggs President Geoparks WA

This mural showcases all of the artwork created for the Kellerberrin project
Kellerberrin Genestremes Journey Model featuring the phylogenetic tree of selected species

Kellerberrin Genestremes Journey Sculpture Species List
Selected Animals
- – Homo sapien – Humans – Hominidae – Least Concern
- Phascogale calura – Red Tailed Phascagale/Kenngoor – Dasyuridae – Threatened
- Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus – Numbat/Noombat – Myrmecobiidae – Endangered
- Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi – Brush Tailed Bettong/Walyu – Potoroidae – Critically Endangered
- Falco peregrinus – Peregrine Falcon – Falconidae – Rare
- Leipoa ocellate – Malleefowl – Megapodiidae – Vulnerable
- Egernia stokesii badia – Western spiny-tailed skink/Gidgee skink – Scincidae – Endangered
- Gaius villosus – Armored Trapdoor Spider – Idiopidae – Threatened
Selected Plants
- Hakea aculeate – Column hakea – Proteaceae – Endangered
- Grevillea dryandroides subsp. dryandroides – Proteaceae – Critically Endangered
- Banksia cuneata – Matchstick banksia – Proteaceae – Endangered
- Acacia subflexuosa subsp. capillata – Hairy-stemmed zig-zag wattle – Fabaceae – Critically Endangered
- Jacksonia quairading – Quairading stinkwood – Fabaceae – Endangered
- Daviesia cunderdin – Fabaceae – Critically Endangered
- Guichenotia seorsiflora – Malvaceae – Critically Endangered
- Frankenia parvula – Short-leaved Frankenia – Frankeniaceae – Endangered
Kellerberrin Artworks for the Genestremes Journey Sculpture
External Aboriginal Collaborative Artworks supplied by Reynold McIntosh and Grahame Taylor, digital modifications by Ben Beeton

Consultation Films
Details of External Artwork

Aboriginal Names
Supplied by Reynald McIntosh
Details of Internal Artwork

Phylogenetic Tree
Research by Gary Muir of Wow Wilderness Eco-Projects – Design by Ben Beeton
Suggested animal species by Millie Brady Project Delivery Officer – Sustainable Industries
Scientific name | Common Name | Shire | |
Actitis hypoleucos | Common Sandpiper | Quairading | |
Aganippe castellum | tree-stem trapdoor spider | Merredin | |
Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi | woylie, brush-tailed bettong | Merredin | |
Calyptorhynchus baudinii | Carnaby’s cockatoo | Kellerberrin, Merredin, Tammin | |
Calyptorhynchus sp. ‘white-tailed black cockatoo’ | white-tailed black cockatoo | Kellerberrin, Tammin, Merredin | |
Dasyurus geoffroii | chuditch, western quoll | Merredin, Quairading | |
Egernia stokesii badia | western spiny-tailed skink | Kellerberrin | |
Falco peregrinus | Falco peregrinus | Tammin, Merredin | |
Idiosoma nigrum | shield-backed trapdoor spider | Tammin | |
Leipoa ocellata | Malleefowl | Tammin, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Bruce Rock, kellerberrin | |
Macrotis lagotis | bilby, dalgyte, ninu | Quairading , Tammin, Merredin | |
Notamacropus eugenii derbianus | tammar wallaby | Bruce rock, Merredin, | |
Petrogale lateralis lateralis | Black-flanked rock wallaby | Quarading, bruce rock, kellerberrin, |